Our directors and engineers all have a solid background in modernising heavy-duty goods, car and truck lifts. Due to the extreme carrying capacities, size and amount of lift travel, the majority of the heavy-duty lift modernisations our teams have been involved in, has been used hydraulic equipment.

Although our team is best known for their skills and experience in modernising heavy-duty hydraulic lifts, they are all also fully experienced in traction lift modernisation. Construct Lifts can help with a variety of lift modernisations, from a partial modernisation that may cover any of the following: drive systems, lift controllers, shaft equipment (including rams/cylinders), door operating gear, car and landing doors and safety equipment. We also assist with car relines, replacement frames, landing and car signalisation.

Working as a specialist lift subcontractor, the team at Construct Lifts have a successful background of working with both independent and multinational lift companies on specialist medium and heavy-duty hydraulic lifts. At the initial stages of a project, we can assist with advice on hydraulic systems including performance, duty, car frames and door choice.

Over time, our team have installed and advised on complicated heavy-duty bespoke hydraulic lifts in a wide range of building types and environments. As a result, we understand the benefits and, in some cases, the restrictions that come with heavy duty equipment and share our experience with customers when deciding upon specifications.

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If you would like to find out more about the services and products that Construct Lifts provide, please contact us on 0331 630 9910 or simply use our Contact Us form