Delivering quality lift modernisation and installation services demands a high level of engineering experience and product knowledge. Both are essential to avoid problems with equipment configuration and alignment issues that subsequently require multiple snagging visits.

Having a team of people with decades of experience in satisfactorily installing heavy duty goods, car and truck lifts helps Construct Lifts to be the go-to subcontractors for specialist low-rise lifts. Our Directors are also very well-known in the industry for their project management and successful delivery of complex heavy-duty lifts.

Another consideration is product quality, which is why Construct Lifts have partnered with GMV, Peelle Doors and SLC, all three are well-known for their high levels of quality manufacturing and product durability.

Peelle Vehicle Lift Door Closed

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If you would like to find out more about the services and products that Construct Lifts provide, please contact us on 0331 630 9910 or simply use our Contact Us form