The hydraulic lifts that our founders are best known for and Construct Lifts supply and install, are low-rise ultra heavy-duty car, truck and goods lifts. The depth of experience we have includes 180-degree turntable hydraulic car lifts, typical of the type installed in premium residential properties and city centre private car parks.
Due to the heavy-duty nature of car, truck and goods lifts, the hydraulic equipment we generally use is manufactured by GMV, which include power units and cylinders, Peelle doors & door gear and SLC safety equipment, where applicable. Virtually all the hydraulic lifts that Construct Lifts install will be of a bespoke nature, the choice of lift controller and signalisation will be discussed and confirmed prior to tendering.
Types of Hydraulic Lifts that Construct Lifts can supply, design and install:
- Passenger Lifts
- Goods Lifts
- Shaft Enclosed Car Lifts
- Turntable Car Lifts
- Truck Lifts
- Hospital Bed Lifts
We work with our clients when designing, installing and commissioning the lifts we supply to ensure all regulatory standards are achieved or exceeded at the time of installation.